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Re: It is happening

Hey @tyme ,

thank you always great to talk to you.

I am pretty flat because I checked and all the offers for my course have gone out so I didn’t get in. I had been looking forward to it for a while now but not meant to be. Maybe things just aren’t meant to work out 🥲

Re: It is happening

Maybe the course wasn't for you for now? @Rockdog 


There are so many other opportunities. Keep looking. Also, look at other things you may be interested in too. Like social work etc.


Don't they have places for people who are not working? Or you pay $200 or something and the rest is subsidised?


You gotta keep looking. Can't sit on your laurels and wait for things to come to you. Recovery and readiness is an active process.

Re: It is happening

Hey @tyme ,

that is what I was going to ask you actually. There are options I need to explore and can get there another way. There are community service courses that might lead to the same outcome eventually. Are you free later this evening at all? 

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Hi @Rockdog,


I just wanted to share my experience as I have recently gone through a similar situation. My boyfriend and I broke up a few months ago and I'm still feeling the pain quite a lot. It's like no matter what I do, I can't stop thinking about him. We used to talk everyday and he was the person I always went to for support when I was down, and I felt like he was the only one who truly understood me/saw me for who I was. Anyway, although I haven't really been able to move on yet, I hope you know that you're not alone in this.


- HopeDream

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

HI @HopeDream ,


Welcome to the forums! I'm sorry to hear about your breakup. It sounds so tough.


Please know we are here to support you. 


Are there specific things you've been doing to help you manage?


@Rockdog , yes, I'm free now. I think it's a really good idea to open up the options.

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Thanks @tyme, that means a lot. I've been trying to write my thoughts down and listen to music when I feel down. I also try to go out and do things to distract myself. It's hard right now but I'm hoping it'll get better with time.

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Hi @HopeDream,

thank you for sharing your pain. When you get really connected to someone and they are there and a big part of your life it is really hard when they leave. Your situation is probably harder because you were in a relationship. Mine was someone I came to rely on for my emotional support. But I really miss her, wonder what she is doing, wonder if she cares So I am the same and it has been 2 years and I think of the special connection every day. We need to keep working on ourselves and who knows what the future brings. Support in here is awesome. @tyme  is the best 

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Hi @tyme ,

Hope you are well. I didn’t look at a back up plan, I just thought I would get in. Now I am a bit lost. Like today I have just finished gym and need to do shopping. I had all day but had no energy. I miss her and am feeling pretty sad about things. 

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

@Rockdog ,


Hearing you. Don't let this get to you. Just keep your eyes open for other opportunities. @Rockdog 


Social work, community work, disability worker, etc.


Apply for everything and take the one that comes to you.


I see you in the 'helping' industry. You have such a large, compassionate heart.

Re: Dealing with heartbreak

Aww thanks @tyme ,

social work should be similar shouldn’t it? Then I might get some credit anyway. Yeah I can’t drop the ball or things won’t work out. I do think there is a plan in place. I had a really weird dream last night and she popped into it. It felt realistic. I don’t know if dreams are real?