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Struggling Mum and her friends

is this okay @strugglingmum? 


Re: Struggling Mum and her friends

Found it @PeppiPatty now I can follow whats going on. Just been doing some catch-up reading around here

Re: Struggling Mum and her friends

Dear @Drac0

I thinnk that I asked the team to transfer my husbands story and your to this thread because I think they are both relevant for @Strugglingmum and her twisty turny journey......

I hope that she doesnt mind. 

Your compassion is did you get like this?

Re: Struggling Mum and her friends

Thank you @PeppiPatty ! I finally got here, I didn't realize there was another forum type thing.

I just wanted to say how I feel really good finding this site, there's so much support and it's so different to when I talk to my friends. Every time I speak to them I feel so alone, then the judgement creeps in and I feel that I can't share with them because i don't want them hating my husband because this is not who he is... I understand their trying to be protective but sometimes I feel I just need someone to listen and I'm so grateful I found this. Thanks again

Re: Struggling Mum and her friends

I felt so so lucky when I found Sane...I've been one of their regular writers for a little while because I need huge amounts of support. 

Its a bit like me finding the right clothes that I love wearing ...I like a certain type of tunic to wear over jeans. But I keep on forgetting the type and the flow.....a lot of that is that my parents ripped me to shreds in the pasttype of clothes to choose when and now how I like to look and I'm almost 50 years old!! In 18 months I'm 50 and when my Mum gets on the phone with me I still fall apart when she starts screaming at me!!

This forum helps me focus on me. 

Re: Struggling Mum and her friends

I dont have many friends but I'm ........popular.....

Look honey, don't worry about your friends. They have their own lives to lead and it's not their fault that they are a little.......




And narrow is how children need to have around them.

I love hearing about how chidlren do at school but I would not like another child. My sons have had difficult times. I have 2. They manage their own lives. My father in law told me he stopped going to friend's houses for dinner because they were sitting there all showing off about their sons and daughters but what could he say about his two children? They both have pretty fullon MI. 

Your husband needs to make the decision to go and see a Doctor because his MI might get much worse if he doesnt give his body a rest......he needs to work this out himself. If you tell him he will think that he is being nagged. His life has been so so sad. Having a father pass away, jeepers, it's about the worst thing that it can happen to someone in their childhood. It's so sad but .......

Re: Struggling Mum and her friends

They say what doesn't destroy you makes you stronger, so I must be more powerful than superman by now. Smiley Very Happy


I don't think I would consider myself compassionate in the normal sense @PeppiPatty. It's kind of hard to explain really. More that I take the time to read & try to understand, relating it to what I've been through myself. This is probably why I've always found it easier to talk to others with MI than those who have never really experienced it. Because I can understand what they are going through I feel they can also understand me better. It seems to make things go easier.


I actually have real problems connecting with people emotionally. But when I write (or read, or listen to music) it's different. I have time to think & plan and be more connected to what I'm saying. I don't know if that makes sense or not.


I suppose the biggest thing was something that came to me when I finally stood up & accepted that I had a problem. It was the realisation that what was going on with me & most of of what I was doing wasn't me, it was the flow-on effects of an untreated or poorly treated illness. Get some control of the illness, along with the support & care needed & I think I will find the real me. I like to believe it can be the same for others & part of the real me is wanting them to succeed, and be safe while getting there. And, hopefully, to get there before it causes irreparable damage, like it did for me.


Maybe I'll post my full story here one day as I can't link to where it can be found elsewhere. It's a long story & I'm not sure how many would find it interesting or useful to read.



Re: Struggling Mum and her friends

I wold find it definately interesting to read 

I'm still blown away that my husband wrote his sotry and Im so impressed that you came online and maybe....reading my husband it inspired you to write something. 

It's so unfair what some people have to go through. 

I think over and over that maybe.....even though you went through the military and all that......

that your empathy is still intact?

My husband went through jail a few times and that also blows me away that he works hard at seeing the other person'spoint of view. When I read your last message, I thought maybe @Strugglingmum could see that some of your story might also relate to her husband?

Thats what I like about stories. That you can take little bits of them and use them to move on with in your own life??

Theres this AWEsome woman online called @Appleblossom who would have a lot more to say about that. Are you there @Appleblossom ??

I better go to bed now...guess what everyone....I won a scarf from Take 5 magazine today and yesterday, I won a......colouring book. .......


Re: Struggling Mum and her friends

A little something from your post in the other thread @Strugglingmum


There is hope for your husband escaping the family history of alcohol abuse. Me in fact.


I never new my real father, I was only 3 when he died. But apparently he wasn't the best of men, enjoying the beer & using his hands. Luckily my mother while not a teetotaler, rarely ever drank anything at all. But my family does have some history with alcohol.


I've talked elsewhere about my own problems with it. But drinking seems to be in the family. I have two brothers I know are alcoholics, although they won't admit it to themselves. My younger brother drinks between 60 & 90 cans of beer every week, more if they're having a party for some reason. The other is never without a can of Southo when he can get it.


My other brothers are drinkers too but they're estranged from the rest of the family so don't know how much they indulge. Not sure about my surviving sisters either, don't socialise that much. My nieces & nephews that I keep contact with are also drinkers. While not to the extremes, they are always ready to get a party going and get blotto. Can't comment on my own children, due to things in my past I haven't seen them in almost 10 years, but I know my oldest was into it as well back then.


Despite all that I have managed to become almost a non-drinker. Last Xmas was the first time in 5 or 6 years I had more than a few, I really let myself go for once. Thankfully it was just a one night thing & I was able to switch off again afterwards. I sometimes go spend a few days at my brothers and do get worried with how much they all drink but so far it hasn't been a problem for me. I can stay there & let them go without becoming involved myself.


So with the right motivation & treatment I do hold some hope that your husband can change things and get heading in the right direction. Perhaps he, like me, will find that the alcohol isn't really the problem but maybe the result of other issues. For his own sake, and those around him, I hope he finds what he needs to start what was a long journey for me.


@PeppiPatty, maybe I'm a little like you're husband. While far from good looking I do have the high IQ issue (145+). At 12 my mother was told I could do anything I wanted, yet I failed to finish high school because it bored me too much. I easily passed my school certificate despite not bothering to go to school for 3 months, never studied for tests or wrote down any notes in my school books. Maybe it's not all MI that drives us to self medicate but partly the boredom of a 'normal' life?


I think that's enough writing for tonight I think. Tomorrow (today??) I might get around to how people, friends & family, react to us......


And congrats @PeppiPatty for winning a couple of prizes. Aren't colouring books for adults a thing now. Smiley Very Happy


Take care everyone.

Re: Struggling Mum and her friends

Your totally right @PeppiPatty I need to start focusing on me, I find that it's the hardest thing... I called a very good friend of mine who's a guy so his not very emotional and it's just what I need to do indoor rock climbing with me and his girlfriend. It's the first time im doing it but I've been wanting to go so many times. I don't have the kids on Saturday night so I know that instead of me thinking about bad things I'm going to try and distract myself. And on Sunday I will join a session with alanons family group. I thought that I will not tell hubby as it is my thing just like this space and I don't want him to feel that I'm not forcing him to go to any groups. I know I've said it all before for him to get help and I'm sure he doesn't forget when I I have said it in the past.

Today I found this quote that just popped up on my newsfeed. " when 'I' is replaced with 'we' even illness becomes wellness -Malcolm X" I thought that it was quite fitting for myself having found this.

@Drac0 your history definitely resonates with me. I felt like I was listening to my husband when you told this story. His dad was adopted and I don't know weather that contributed to his alcoholism and maybe undiagnosed mental health were not so sure about his story but his Mother had to move to New Zealand with her family to get away from Him due to the alcohol and violence. He remembers vividly that when he was younger he and his brothers were being knights and wanting to save their mum and grabbed their swords to fight their dad off. He was only little when they moved and he never had a relationship with him. When his dad was dying his dad wrote him a letter and today blames himself that he never connected with him but he had all this anger at the time. My husband was always fit, ate healthily, enjoyed sports and that's where we met was we played oztag together. Anyways he never wanted to be like his dad and now he says his exactly like him minus the violence and hates himself even more. I know that he needs to realize he needs help and I can't do it for him because that's not really recovery. I just want to support him but that has been the thing that's making me feel I've had enough, I feel so broken and especially with a new baby... Well she's 11 months now but I just feel so overwhelmed especially first day back at work coming up on Monday 😕 so i am going to try and focus on me when I can.

@Drac0 It is so good to hear how you have overcome your illness and it's really a blessing for me to hear that people do actually change if they are willing. I just hope it's not too late for his body and mind. I cared for my dad he was only 41 and I was only 17 when he passed away with cancer. It wasn't a pretty sight... I don't want my children to go through what I have been with him. I also have addiction in our family, my dad however overcame his and was sober with drugs and alcohol for 17 years until we got the diagnosis... As a young person I was into the drugs more so than alcohol but I came to the realization that I can't do this to myself because there is a possibility that I will get so far hooked that I won't be able to stop and have the same fate as my dad. I still sometimes now think if I can only I have another joint cause joints are harmless (my mind rationalizing things) but deep down for some reason I know that if I did I wont stop.

Thank you all so much for being my "we" and I look forward to hearing @draco0 on everyone's reaction to us when you have the time and will update on how my meeting goes. I'm fully prepared to go and hoping I don't get 'busy' with something else...

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