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Re: Far and Away

@Faith-and-Hope Made it to Bunnings finally today and got the cement sheeting I needed. They will remain on the trailer until I have finished putting the timber frame up. I need to grind off some old bolts and cut a small section of concrete so leaving that until tomorrow then I can finish the framing. It has worked out to be a bigger job than I first thought but I am slowly getting there. It was very hot today - especially in the garage - so could only do a little at a time. Toby was 'supervising' again and I didn't want him to be in the heat for too long either - he wouldn't sit in the shade because he wanted to help - little cherub!!!

I even made it to the shop to get a few things I needed today - so despite me not moving until very late in the morning I have got a few things done.

Going to bath Toby tonight too - he is so overdue for a bath and it is a really nice evening so he should dry quickly. Then I'll have a shower myself and settle in for the evening.

Cat is talking at me so it must be her dinner time. Better go and feed her and little Toblerone. I'll give then both a hug for you and send some back your way. Hope you have had a good sleep and your day is full of light. Heart

Re: Far and Away

Hey @Zoe7 🙂👋

Wanting to come by while I have a moment and say a huge and yay and well done on your meeting the other day 😊. It was so great to read how well it went and how good you were feeling about yourself after such a big day (even if I couldn't reply to say it at the time).

How have things been going with friend since and how are you feeling about it all now (if you feel up to sharing)?

Go you 🙂👍🙂

Re: Far and Away

I knew you were dealing with your own stuff @CheerBear and that you are in a tough position right now. I also knew you had read it and that was enough Hon Heart

Things are still going okay - we still have daily communication. I am being really honest with him about where I am sitting with all this and he is too so it is easy to communicate. He doesn't know if he will even be in the state in a couple of months time - it all depends on if he sells his house - but that is okay because as much as I enjoy his company friendship is all I am after right now - it is a huge thing though that I am even contempleting that. He is really easy to talk to and I like that a lot - something new for me too. He does seem to be one of the good guys and that is nice considering my history. He did offer to come and help with the wall but I told him to get his painting done first so he can get his house on the market. He is having photos taken this week so he really needs to get the painting done. When that is all done he can come around to my place then. It really is just see how it goes but all indications so far is that it is easy and comfortable and there are no expectations at all between us - I like that as we can get to know each other without there being any awkwardness. Who knows what the future holds but it is nice being able to share some of it with someone.

He has also struggled with depression in the past so he knows what it is like and I think that actually makes it easier. I am definitely glad we met and hoping there are more times we can get together soon.

Re: Far and Away

So many feel goods in that @Zoe7 😊 Love that you have someone nice to talk to and some company. I'm glad you're able to talk with him about things like depression and that he seems to understand. That's a big tick! Hope it won't be too long before you can both catch up in person again, if that's what you're wanting.

Thanks for filling me in ❤

Re: Far and Away

I would love to meet up again soon @CheerBear I really enjoyed his company and he has said the same - so that is a big tock too. The conversation flowed very easily and I could have stayed longer but needed to come home to feed my babies. There will certainly be more time when he has finished his painting and I have finished the garage - his is a bit more pressing than mine with wanting to put his house on the market as soon as possible. He then wants to travel a bit so there are many things up in the air for him atm. I agree that he needs to do that whilst he has the opportunity to do so - but that all depends on him selling his house and getting a good price for it. Knowing the market as it is he should get a reasonable price and he doesn't have many ties here so he could go quite quickly. We can definitely stay in touch though - we will see what happens but it is nice getting to know him right now.

Re: Far and Away

So great to hear you're enjoying the now without worrying too much about the what could happen next @Zoe7! Lots crossed he finished his painting asap (not really so he can ut the house on the market but so he can have more meet up time 😉😆)

Yay 😊

Re: Far and Away

More meet up time would be nice @CheerBear Smiley Very Happy You wouldn't believe it but after our 'what would I wear' discussion with you I went in my tracksuit and t-shirt - didn't bother to get changed - it was a pretty rushed meeting so I went as I was lol

Re: Far and Away

Woohoo that's the best way to do it I think @Zoe7! Being that my friend and I met in a mental health facility, I think we met with me in my pjs while I was under a fluffy blanket and clinging on to my unicorn 😁😆

Re: Far and Away

lol @CheerBear There is really nowhere else to go once they have seen you in your jammies Smiley LOL Your friend must have seen what we do in you though - such a kind, warm hearted person who deserves only the very best in life Heart

Re: Far and Away

That's such a lovely thing to say, thanks @Zoe7 ❤ I think my friend saw a heck of a lot of me in all the ways in those first few weeks 😕 I was next level bananas and totally all over the place, but he still liked/likes me anyway.

In all seriousness though, I think it was really helpful for both of us to have the weeks together we did at the start. It meant there wasn't any potentially awkward or surprising conversations about mental health to have and it made way for deeper conversations about things like triggers, symptoms, self-care etc. I felt a huge 'yes!' hearing you're able to speak with your friend about your stuff a little (as he can speak about his with you) after experiencing how helpful it was for my friend and I.
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