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Re: Counting Sheep ~ The Importance of Sleep!

Hey @Captain24  just read back a little bit…. Could you be sleeping so much cause of medication? 

I take my meds at 7:30 and am in bed usually by 8:30 cause that’s what my team have said to do cause it’s safer for me that way. I’m then awake around 7am. I wake a lot during the night though. 

Re: Counting Sheep ~ The Importance of Sleep!

I would like to be like that again one day @tyme. I did have some days like that a while ago.


My meds haven’t changed @Bow. They are the same as they have been for about 9 months. I have changed a little though. I have agreed to 2 meals a day that I’m getting through lite n easy. Plus Ive stopped smoking. You would think that would make a difference though. 

Re: Counting Sheep ~ The Importance of Sleep!

LOL. So much for talking about sleep and counting sheep! It's after 1:30am and I'm still awake. Let's see what this day brings @Captain24  🙂

Re: Counting Sheep ~ The Importance of Sleep!

Oh.. that’s a bugger @tyme. I went to sleep pretty quickly because I didn't wait as long as I’m supposed to.


I hope today goes easy on you! 

Re: Counting Sheep ~ The Importance of Sleep!

Morning @Captain24 , @tyme , @Bow 

How did you sleep last night ?


Mine sleep is very broken up 

Re: Counting Sheep ~ The Importance of Sleep!

@Shaz51 , took me forever to get to sleep. I think I was still up at 3am!


 Hope you can rest up today.

Re: Counting Sheep ~ The Importance of Sleep!

Wow @tyme , hope you can rest up today too ❤️

Re: Counting Sheep ~ The Importance of Sleep!

That’s really late @tyme. I hope it’s not a pattern for you.


I had nightmares @Shaz51 @tyme. Pretty bad ones that woke me up. I don’t usually dream let alone have nightmares. It’s made me really unsettled and not sure of myself today. They are going through my mind and scaring me. It’s not a healthy combination.

Re: Counting Sheep ~ The Importance of Sleep!

Ohh hugs @Captain24 

Mr shaz has them too 

Is there something that you like doing to not think about them 🤔 

Re: Counting Sheep ~ The Importance of Sleep!

I e just cleaned the house @Shaz51. I’m going to finish this Lego set and get stuck into a diamond art. I didn’t want to start one before I go away but I just have too.