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Re: Trying to stay Sane

Dear @Anastasia 


How are things going? I hope you've managed to have an enjoyable week after the busy week you've had.  I'm so glad to hear that you are implementing self care into your routine - I've been wanting to start up walking each day, but just haven't got there yet. I'm very good at procrastinating. Although last week was an emotional week with medical appointments, so maybe I'll try this week. I've also enquired with an outdoor training group, where I think I'll feel comfortable - it's not full of beautiful, fit, toned, young ladies. More mature participants like me ๐Ÿ˜‰

I'm glad to hear your boys are chipping in a bit more with the chores - that's great for you, but also helps them, they probably don't realise it, but it's good practice for when they 'leave the coop'.


Sounds as though we grew up in a similar home environment re, communication.  I still struggle with communicating effectively with those close to me, it's hard though when I was taught not to speak when I was growing up, but to be quiet and not express myself - to my Dad mainly. It was better with Mum luckily.

I really admire you @Anastasia . Through your support you've helped me a lot in recent times. You're always in my thoughts and I truely hope things will keep improving on the home front and with your own MH. When are your round of tests scheduled regarding the small lump (that im

sure will turn out to be nothing)?


Love L & Levi ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’–

Re: Trying to stay Sane

It does sound like we lived a parallel childhood. Sad but funny it didn't really seem it at the time to me, it's only now I realise the true extent of being silenced and portraying the perfect family. Ha, far from it.


The outdoor group sounds really good @WIP . I will cross my fingers that it works for you. Exercise is a Godsend for our mh, it's just soooooo difficult to start. 


Thank you for your kind words, I never feel of any help so it warms my heart to hear that I have been to you ๐Ÿค—


@Emelia8 and @WIP my test is at 1030am yes I guess I feel concerned now it's closer and I've had a couple of days on my own (without my boy) to think. 


Love to you both always and thank you for your messages xxx


Em please look after yourself, I know you're really struggling at the moment and I understand x 



Re: Trying to stay Sane

@Anastasia sending love and hugs esp for Tuesday ๐Ÿ’œ

Re: Trying to stay Sane

Thank you so much gorgeous girl. I'm sure I'll be fine, I have to be xxx @outlander 

How's things with you? Have you got the southerly there to cool you down?

Re: Trying to stay Sane

Youve got this @Anastasia and we are right with you whatever happens. For now just take it one day at a time ๐Ÿ’•

The southerly started here about 6 oclock but not feeling the effecrs till about an hr ago so now have the house opened up to get rid of the stuffiness of the past 2 days.
Urgh pops back now too

Re: Trying to stay Sane

Oh hunny. I hear you. My boys been home an hour and I'm wound up like a ticking clock ,๐Ÿ˜” big hugs @outlander 

Re: Trying to stay Sane

Oh dear @Anastasia hugs for you ๐ŸŒป
Makes things hard sometimes doesnt it. I had my house really clean and disinfected properly and now pops gone and been a camel spitting all through the house in the sinks and i dont have the stomach to go clean it again (literally feel like going to vomit from another food intolerance)
I think ill be in bed soon after a shower though.

Do you think youll be in bed earlier?
Im looking forward to a cooler day so i can try and get a few things done tomorrow while thr kids are at school.

Re: Trying to stay Sane

Big hugs back to you. We both carry a lot with caring for someone. I'm sorry it is what it is for both of us @outlander . You are a beautiful soul doing what you do day in and day out. I wish for easier times for you I really do xxx


Yes I think I'll shower and call it a night. I put new linen on today it's very pretty. It's blue and white so quite a different look to the dusty pink or plain white one I usually alternate between. Blue is my favourite colour so I thought a change is as good as a holiday. 

I hope you get the things done tomorrow that you would like to whilst the kids are at school, the time always flies so enjoy the little window of time for you. 

Sleep well and thank you for saying hello, I've enjoyed our little chat, love and hugs โค๏ธ

Re: Trying to stay Sane

New linen sounds nice @Anastasia i only have 2 sheet sets and quilt covers causs i have a new bed. I not brought some bed sheets and a quilt cover off ebay and its really good quality esp for the price of it ans its a new fave. Its cream but with purple flowers on the cover.
Its great you put your fave colour on. Must be refreshing to your other colours too.


Re: Trying to stay Sane

Your linen sounds very pretty @outlander 

My room is my sanctuary. The only room in the house that's "mine"

Even when the rest of the house looks like it has been trashed I have my room.

Yes the blue is very refreshing as the dusty pink is a warm tone. I have this guy as my protector ๐Ÿ˜IMG20201129212424.jpg