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Re: Trying to stay Sane

Here for you too whenever you feel up for talking or if youd like some company with/without words too πŸ’›

Re: Trying to stay Sane

Thank you gorgeous girl.

I hope you are ok, I'm so out of the loop.

Love and hugs @outlander πŸŒ·πŸŒΉπŸ’πŸŒΈπŸ’žπŸ¦‹πŸŒΌπŸŒ»

Re: Trying to stay Sane

Hi lovely lady @Anastasia  sending you some love and light. I know things are crappy this week for, and I just hope you do realise we all care for you here on the forums and look forward to hearing from you when you're ready.


Youre a strong, tenacious, positive and super caring lady - just gently reminding you of that.


Love & hugs,

L & Levi β£οΈπŸ€—β£οΈπŸ€—πŸΆ

Re: Trying to stay Sane

I love you L,


Your words warm my heart. Thank you!!!


I do hope that you are ok? I haven't seen an update from you. Have you heard about volunteering roles as yet? 

@WIP and Levi β£οΈπŸ’žπŸ•πŸ’ž

Re: Trying to stay Sane

Hey hun. Just popping in to see how you are my love. Hoping you are doing better. Thinking of you always my friend. 

Re: Trying to stay Sane

Hi @Anastasia 


I've had an emotional week 2 x psychologist appts (I'm dumping one after this week, as the newer one is so much better), an appt with my pdoc (whom I don't really respect that much) & a new GP appt (to talk about sleep issues with) - so, yes I haven't really been up to posting an update on my thread.  My anxiety leading up to, during and after these appts have left me worn out. So,

I have just been quickly touching base with those who I know are going through 'tough stuff' & may appreciate my thoughts and bring a smile - if just for a short period of time.


I heard back from the local council regarding the volunteering opportunities. It's now up to me to apply directly with the organisation. I haven't had the confidence to do so yet, but I will. I promise I will!!  If I get accepted, it'll do me the world of good, im sure. I just need to get this instantaneous morning anxiety under control - it kicks in as soon as I open my eyes in the morn.


Mum is going to visit my sister interstate on Monday, so I'll be on my own for over a week. I jus hope I make it ok?!?


Hope you are improving lovely, I really do. xx

Re: Trying to stay Sane

@WIP wrote:

Hi @Anastasia 


I've had an emotional week 2 x psychologist appts (I'm dumping one after this week, as the newer one is so much better), an appt with my pdoc (whom I don't really respect that much) & a new GP appt (to talk about sleep issues with) - so, yes I haven't really been up to posting an update on my thread.  My anxiety leading up to, during and after these appts have left me worn out. So,

I have just been quickly touching base with those who I know are going through 'tough stuff' & may appreciate my thoughts and bring a smile - if just for a short period of time.


I hear and understand what you are saying. You most certainly do bring a smile to my face so thank you. ❣️ I am sorry your anxiety is giving you hell, I'm proud that you are determined to follow up your volunteer applications yourself. I am stoked you have found a better psychologist, that is great news!!! πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠ



Mum is going to visit my sister interstate on Monday, so I'll be on my own for over a week. I jus hope I make it ok?!?


You will, we are here as are the chat lines please use us/them. You won't be alone xxx Your mum must be doing well which is good news x


Hope you are improving lovely, I really do. xx


I am ok. Just pulled in every direction by everyone. Very thinly spread. Crazy time of the year at work for me and I have a week off over Christmas so planning around my absence so all staff here are taken care of. I love them but they are needy at the best of times πŸ™‚ I am doing everything in my power to self care.

Offloaded more of the chores to the boys, walking everyday usually twice, (shed some excess that I needed to) working on communicating better with my bf (never been a strong point) as I grew up in a house where we never spoke of things. And have some boundary setting to discuss with my boy. So hopefully onwards and upwards but it's all just a lot. Hence my time here lately is greatly reduced. 

Thank you for checking in. I always keep you in my thoughts you re special to me L.


Take care @WIP  Levi β£οΈπŸ•


Tagging @Emelia8  and @Lee82 as she's always asking after me xxx hope you are ok beautiful?


Re: Trying to stay Sane

Wow honey sounds like you have been super busy. I am so happy to hear that you have been taking the time to self care and have been out walking....that is fantastic! 
keep it going hun. Love you lots

@Anastasia β€οΈ

Re: Trying to stay Sane

Em can I ask you. Did you have pain at the site of the lump? 


Re: Trying to stay Sane

@Anastasia πŸ’–πŸ˜Š


My cancer lump felt like a small (pathology confirmed 1cm) hard angular pebble. Not at all painful.


I expect you are getting anxious about your upcoming tests? What time on Tuesday is your apt?


Em 🌷