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Re: Trying to stay Sane

Back now and feel human again now that I'm clean. Thank you big for the love @Emelia8 @Zoe7 πŸ€—πŸ€—


P.S you always know exactly what to say xxx

Re: Trying to stay Sane

I am getting ready to head to bed @Anastasia My little boy doesn't seem very well tonight but very much hoping he is just tired., animals are such a worry hey Smiley Sad


Until next time - take care Hon Heart

Re: Trying to stay Sane

Oh Tobes, sending love and prayers xx @Zoe7  Tobes, Cat xxx

Re: Trying to stay Sane

Thanks @Anastasia Cat is happy in her room and Tobes has finally snuggled next to me so will carry him to bed (and yes he is THAT spoilt lol). Goodnight sweetheart - sleep well Heart

Re: Trying to stay Sane

Lol spoilt and loved much? 


@Zoe7 sleep well x

Re: Trying to stay Sane

Good Morning @Anastasia 


Just wanted to touch base this morning and let you know I'm thinking of you and hoping that you are feeling a bit better this morning - and less empty.  I'm so sorry that your weekend wasn't good and resulted in dramas with both your boy and your boyfriend.  Things have been going along ok for you and you've been handling the bumps in the road so very wellHeart


Your boy will settle down and your BF will too, I'm sure, and he'll be talking to you again in no time.  Remember to look after yourself though, best you can that is.


Take care lovely lady,

WIP & Levi xxHeart Heart

Re: Trying to stay Sane

Thanks beautiful L and Levi,


I appreciate your message and am hoping that you are feeling a little better yourself? You are such a huge support for me so I hope you can be that to you as well...please?


Still not talking to bf and my boy is still in bed so no improvement all round in that area *sigh. On a positive note the hot water system is being replaced today so that is good news πŸ™‚


Didn't eat the roast last night and left in on the bench to cool forgetting to put in fridge so sadly I think it will now be just dog food, not happy with that oversight. Oh well, sh*t happens and all I can do is try to think positive and let the rest go. Love you xxooxx




Re: Trying to stay Sane

@Anastasia sitting with you today πŸ’ž πŸ€—

Good news at least about the hot water system getting fixed today. 😊


Emelia 🌸

Re: Trying to stay Sane

Thank you beautiful, I am ok...have to be πŸ™‚

Here is my mug I am using which always makes me smile.


How are you gorgeous, are you ok today?



Not applicable

Re: Trying to stay Sane

Good morning @Anastasia β˜•οΈπŸ’ž

Sorry to hear that things are awkward with your bf at the moment. I hope it all gets resolved very soon. And also with your boy.

Sitting with you, with a cuppa. 


