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Re: Trying to stay Sane

Hey hun I know you said no replies but I just wanted to say that I am here for you that I am so very glad you went to the gp. If you feel up to it I would love to hear what they have said about the lump you found? 
a week away with your dad sounds perfect babe. I hope you are able to relax and enjoy it. 
I was so happy to hear that your boy and his SW put up your Christmas tree. What a great activity to be doing. 
anyway hun I probably have already said too much so I will leave it there and just want you to know that I am thinking of you and sending you lots of hugs and love β€οΈπŸ’™πŸ’œπŸ’šπŸ§‘ @Anastasia 

Re: Trying to stay Sane

Hi beautiful,

Thank you for your message πŸ’ž

It was more that I didn't expect replies hun xxx

I'm so glad you had a lovely day with your boys, that makes me happy. πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—


It was funny, I said to her that a friend of mine just had surgery (Em) and that it made me check. She asked how my friend is and had I seen her since, lol I wish! πŸ˜πŸ’

She said it was good that the lump moves round and that I came in straight away. She's ordered the ultrasound as well on both sides as I haven't had either for probably 10 years. She's not my regular Dr but I see her for girls stuff. She's lovely but hard to get in to. I can't see her for the results sadly as she's on leave so will have to see my regular Dr instead. That's ok I guess. She told me not to wait to see her and no hard feelings. I haven't thought about it too much today as I've got a jam packed few weeks of work. Sat down with my boss today and lots to do before I take a break over Christmas. Excited about it all, I love what I do and he's the best boss I've ever had. Can't do enough for him as he's been so good to me with my boys health and the times I've not been able to go in etc.

I better go bf wants to watch The Crown on Netflix and he's waiting, God love him.

Love you and super happy you're home and sound absolutely fabulous!!

@Lee82 πŸ’žπŸŒΉβ£οΈπŸ’ž

Re: Trying to stay Sane

That all sounds very promising hun. I am so happy to hear that. Lots of positive energy coming your way.

the fact that work is very busy for you is a good thing to help keep your mind busy but please remember to leave some time for self care hun. Your boss sounds like a very good and understanding person. You are very lucky. 
hope you enjoy crown with your BF babe. 
thank you so much for your support my friend. It is always appreciated. I am feeling mostly ok and trying to stay as positive as I can. The next month or so is going to be a tough month to get through. 
sending you all my love beautiful ❀️ @Anastasia 

Re: Trying to stay Sane

@Anastasia  thanks for tagging thinking of you with your recent news...please let us know the results. 


Sending much Heart

Re: Trying to stay Sane

Dear @Anastasia  πŸ€—πŸ’žπŸŒΈ


I wish we could catch up somewhere too ... it would be so lovely to do so with some of our friends here on the forum. Its sweet of you that you told the Dr about a friend of yours who has recently had surgery.  πŸ˜ŠπŸ’“


Yes its true that if the lump moves around a lot its mostly a good sign that it isnt cancerous.  Though I have to say that when I was getting my initial assessment the ultrasound technician made the comment to the attending Dr that my lump was quite mobile, so clearly its not always the case.  I'm really pleased that your Dr has taken the cautious approach and ordered all the necessary tests.  I'm also glad you wont have to wait for too long for the tests, only a little over a week away now.  Hopefully less time to really think about it or get overly anxous.


It sounds like you really do have a lot to accomplish over the coming weeks, with work being so busy.  I think its wonderful that you have such a good boss.  It makes it easier to do our work.  I have little doubt that he also knows that he has such a gem in you as his employee.  It very much works both ways.  


I have read a couple of references today on other threads which indicate that you have had a particularly difficult few days this weekend.  I just wanted you to know that I have heard, and I am here to listen if you want to talk.  If you would rather not talk ... thats okay too.  I will just sit with you to let you know I care and I want things to get better for you and yours.


Sending lots of love and hugs your way.


Emelia πŸ€—πŸ’•

Re: Trying to stay Sane

Thank you beautiful girl.

I am aware that you are waiting on your results Wednesday so with that in mind I would like to firstly let you know I am praying for you and have you in my thoughts and will continue to do so. 


I am also sorry to see your hubby was triggered with a documentary and you wore the brunt of it. I'm sorry for that, I really am. I just want to reach through and hug you tight now.


There are so many times that I wish for a secret spot to communicate here but it is not to be. *Sigh


Yes a dreadful three days Em. My boy has not been in a good place. I am unsure of the trigger although I have my theories. As a result my bf and I aren't speaking now and I feel more alone than I have in a long time. 


I have a roast that I cooked and no one here to eat it. Happy my boys are out. Annoyed that I cooked the roast. No hot water as it broke today and smelly from gardening. I might go for a drive to Mums for a shower.

Thank you for listening. I love you to the moon and back xxx


Re: Trying to stay Sane

I am more than happy to join you in that roast again @Anastasia - could become a routine for us Heart


So sorry to hear about you and bf not talking and also the hot water breaking - never rains but it ours hey Smiley Sad Maybe a trip to your Mum;s for a shower would be a good idea - get out of the house and have a little time for yourself also - you deserve that Heart

Re: Trying to stay Sane

Lol it's funny that you say that @Zoe7 

Every roast since the first one I have had you here in spirit each time thinking of your grandparents and your special roast dinners with them. I'm going to turn it off. I think it's probably going to be pull apart big time now. And yes I'll take that drive to Mum's for a shower and a hug. You sharing that roast with me solidified our bond. I love you for what you did. My heart was shattered into tiny pieces that night. Tonight it's just empty. πŸ’žπŸ€—πŸ’œπŸˆπŸ¦‹πŸ•

Re: Trying to stay Sane

It is absolutely my pleasure to share this with you @Anastasia You too also make me think of my beautiuful grandparents each roast you have and to me that is a wonderful memory - that you alone can share with me in only the most special of ways. Go have that shower and get that Mum hug Hon - and spend a little time just being you without the worries of the world on your shoulder ...we all need those moments in our lives. Sending you love and hugs always Heart

Re: Trying to stay Sane

Firstly @Anastasia  thank you so much.  I am trying to remain positive about getting my results on Wednesday. I'm sure it will all be as okay as it can be. Unfortunately its a late apt at 5pm, so it will be a long wait. I do see my lovely psych in the morning though.


Oh my ... it has indeed been a bad few days for you.  So sorry things sound so strained between you and your bf.  I really hope things are resolved soon. Because you need support right now ... and not to be feeling so alone. 


I was going to do a roast for dinner tonight, but decided to have quiche tonight and have roast pork tomorrow instead. Good thing with a roast is that they keep well and you have lots of cold meat for salads now. Hot weather too ... perfect.


No hot water?  Eek ... I would definitely be doing the trip to your parents for a shower. Will you be able to get the hot water system fixed tomorrow? Hope so.


Always happy to listen lovely lady. Just dont always know what to say.  πŸ˜ƒ


Love you. πŸ’—


Emelia 🌷