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Re: Trying to stay Sane

@Anastasia 😔💜🧡💛


In response to your edit today to your post of yesterday.


Well, I was told that for anyone who got a call back for a suspicious mammogram ... less than 1 in 10 will end up being cancer.  So your odds are good that it is something benign. I gather that you havent had a mammogram before, or recently?  I've had one every 2 years since I was 51, so they had previous scans to compare for me.


Its very possible that once you have the mammogram, they will be able to rule out anything sinister, and you wont need further testing.  But if thats not the case, they will do the ultrasound for a closer look.  If they are still unable to rule out the bad stuff ... you will move on to a biopsy.  Fingers crossed they can eliminate cancer with the mammogram and you wont need to have the rest. Allow plenty of time at the testing clinic though ... just in case. I was told to allow 2-4 hours, and ended up being there more like 5 hours.  But I had the full gammit of tests, hopefully you wont need that.


I'm trusting that you are one of the 9 (out of every 10) who will be cleared.  Put it this way ... I'm  the 1 in 10 to have cancer ... that means you'll be fine. 😊💞


Thank you for updating us.  It is very natural to worry, so its good you arent freaking out.  As you say ... there really is no point.  And hopefully for you ... there is also no need to. 


If my recent experience has jolted you into getting checked out ... then I am happy and my job is done.

Love you too Myboy.  💓🤗


Emelia 🌸

Re: Trying to stay Sane

Hi @Anastasia 


I am glad you did a self-breast-exam and sorry you found a lump - that must be a really uncomfortable feeling - I can only wish for the best for you - hopefully your bf will be supporting - 


And I agree that you need to spend one-on-one time with him - I guess it depends what you want in the long term - but a relationship - it's a long time I have been in one - life is interesting with someone else in it - I am used to being alone now but it did take time to like it


I had migraine when my son was in so much trouble - your headaches sound similar - really blinding pain and nausea - there horrible - you do have a lot on your plate.


Yes - your boy might actually love a change in his routine - he needs a change of place now and again and more so - so do you - spend some time with the boyfriend too


I wish your Dad the best too - I didn't realise your father was ill - I miss a lot when I take time out and rarely read back to find out - a holiday will be great for all of you


Christmas tree time - oh bother - I had forgotten - I have a little Christmas tree my daughter gave me when I was first lving here and when I put it up the first time my cat attacked it - it is small and already had ornaments on it - and I added some - and when Christmas is over I pick it up and put it in the bag - and through all these years it has become dusty - and I decided last Christmas I would go to the Christmas Elves and get another one like it - and blast - COVID changed all our plans


I still have time if there are still Christmas Trees


You have a lot to manage MyBoy - yeah - I hear you tapping away when you have a small amount of time - I think you need time for yourself - I have it in abundance - 


Keep well 




Re: Trying to stay Sane

Hi lovely @Anastasia 


I know you didn't want responses to you edited update, however I couldn't not tap you a note of love and support. You have a great positive attitude to what happened at your Dr's appointment today, this shows how strong your character is - particularly with everything else in your plate.  Keep this attitude going for the upcoming tests you have scheduled - you got this! 


Love L ❣️❣️

Re: Trying to stay Sane

Thank you L,


As have you my friend...

Remember that xxx

@WIP 💞❣️🤗🐕

Not applicable

Re: Trying to stay Sane

Hi @Anastasia Just got home from the big city. 
Thanks for your update. Sorry to hear you have to go for a mammogram, hoping for good results for you. Good you had a massage. 
Hoping for the best for your dad and son too. 
You certainly have a lot to cope with and working full time as well. 😮 You deserve a medal. 
I hope you were able to rest a bit today. 
My shopping trip was a success. Bought some clothes and things from Ikea. Lunch out was yum. 😋 

ps., my laundry basket is still full 😬😩

Enjoy your evening. 💖💞





Re: Trying to stay Sane

Hello @Former-Member 

Your lunch/shopping date sounds lovely, I'm glad youn got yourself some nice clothes and IKEA goodies ❣️

Thank you for your kind words. 

The laundry can wait, tomorrow is another day. I'll come back to see your no doubt beautiful pic xxx

Re: Trying to stay Sane

@Emelia8 💐🌸❣️

@Owlunar 🌹🌼💞

Thank you xxx

Re: Trying to stay Sane

Big hugs @Anastasia 


Re: Trying to stay Sane

Re: Trying to stay Sane

@Eve7 @outlander ❣️💞🌼💐