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Re: Trying to stay Sane

I hear you @WIP 

You can. Sitting with you cheering you on xxxx

Re: Trying to stay Sane

Thanks for being so supportive @Anastasia 🦋🌻

Re: Trying to stay Sane

I'm always in your court @WIP xxx

Re: Trying to stay Sane

@Anastasia thank you for your update on Emelia's thread, and for tagging me, I appreciate it! I'm glad your important meeting about your boy went well...when will you know the outcome? 


"The next two days for me are going to be ridiculous at the office as I have a last minute function to arrange and day to day work that has piled up today after spending the time working on the impact statement and meeting today."


I hope yesterday went well, and today goes well too. 

Sending Heart



Re: Trying to stay Sane

Thanks beautiful ❤️

I should find out within 2 weeks.


Hope you are doing well. Thinking of you x


Re: Trying to stay Sane

Hi gorgeous @Anastasia 


Just wanted to pop past to say, I hope you made it through your chaotic working week, with everything else you had going on around your son. You are doing so well with everything that you've got on you're plate. I take some inspiration from you. 


Time to put your feet up and enjoy some time with your bf.  I hope things go well for your son during his visit to his Dads.


Habe a GREAT weekend - you deserve to 😀


Re: Trying to stay Sane

Oh @WIP 

You are very generous! I feel far from an inspiration to anyone so thank you. The lunch function was a huge success and my colleague seemed to like his gifts that I chose. Happy that its over. Another frewell next week but we will go to a.oub for lunch so I'll only have to arrange a gift. Easy in comparison. 

How are you dear L are you ok? I haven't seen any updates from you. In saying that I'm not long home and haven't started to look as yet. Bf just rocked up.and is taking me to Thai. I'll be back online later to see your response if you have had a chance to respond. Hugs and love always xxx


Re: Trying to stay Sane

I'm so glad to hear that the lunch function was a huge success, given all the hard work you put it @Anastasia 


I haven't been posting much this week - doom & gloom in my world, so staying low. Getting very good at throwing myself my own pity parties 😉


Enjoy your Thai dinner - I recall reading once that it's your favourite.


Hugs back atcha 🤗🤗

Re: Trying to stay Sane

Sorry to hear @WIP 

There with you in spirit lovely. Yes my absolute favourite. I'm happy to share with you. Don't think I'll be awake for long, eyes are heavy already. Think bf is at the end of his fuse after his week so lying low lol to stay out of trouble myself. Hugs and more hugs x

Re: Trying to stay Sane

Thanks @Anastasia  I can feel you with me.

I'd love some of your Thai - thanks.

Now, go and enjoy being with your man. You'll make each other happy after a long, challenging week. xox