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Re: Topic Tuesday // What can you do when a loved one doesn't want help? // Tues 22 Oct, 7pm AEDT

Have you ever considered how you can still care for your loved one without having to save them?  --- that is interesting @Former-Member 

even though my mr shaz does not want any help , i have asked him to do the pros and cons of taking his meds everyday

Re: Topic Tuesday // What can you do when a loved one doesn't want help? // Tues 22 Oct, 7pm AEDT

@Shaz Yeah that sounds tricky and difficult to witness. Carers or family members have told me that they feel like their own life becomes a roller coaster and they live the highs and lows of their loved one.

Re: Topic Tuesday // What can you do when a loved one doesn't want help? // Tues 22 Oct, 7pm AEDT

Welcome @Former-Member @Adge @outlander 

Re: Topic Tuesday // What can you do when a loved one doesn't want help? // Tues 22 Oct, 7pm AEDT

this is soo true @Former-Member 

and this is why it is hard to do our own self care or lookinf after other family members like my elderly mum

hello @Adge , @outlander , @Former-Member , @Former-Member 

Re: Topic Tuesday // What can you do when a loved one doesn't want help? // Tues 22 Oct, 7pm AEDT

hi @light87 and welcome

it is hard when our loved ones don't want any help. I hope youll stay after this chat so we can support you on your journey.
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Re: Topic Tuesday // What can you do when a loved one doesn't want help? // Tues 22 Oct, 7pm AEDT

Sorry for all the confusion with time differences - I wonder if its because daylight savings just started! Anyway - great to have you with us @Former-Member @outlander @Adge !


Lets go to the next question and everyone can dive in 😊


Sometimes while trying to support someone else or go through a process of trying to help someone we can forget our own care. Do people relate to this feeling? Is it okay to still take care of yourself while trying to care for another?

Re: Topic Tuesday // What can you do when a loved one doesn't want help? // Tues 22 Oct, 7pm AEDT

Absolutely, it is paramount. You cannot maintain your compassion for a loved one if you are not being kind to yourself. Carers or family and friends sometimes fall into that pattern of putting their life on hold and are convinced that they can only get on with their own life once their loved one is better. It is important that you are your own reference point for your life and that your identity is separate to the person you are concerned for. You can have your own passions and connections and these are really important for you to be able to sustain yourself and remain as resilient as you are.

Re: Topic Tuesday // What can you do when a loved one doesn't want help? // Tues 22 Oct, 7pm AEDT

Feelings that can sometimes come up when trying to help a loved one can be around caring versus rescuing. Have you ever considered how you can still care for your loved one without having to save them?

For me I find that I do try to rescue my loved one however ive also realised I cant. generally my pop mopes around the house when hes worried about something-as he has alzheimers he often doesn't remember that ive explained whatever the situation may be so it just goes round and around. I use to worry when he would mope around but ive also realised that trying to fix it sometimes does more harm then good so I make suggestions to perk him up instead of worrying so much. things he likes such as suggesting he play one of his musical instruments or watch a fave movie or do a word search for example.

Re: Topic Tuesday // What can you do when a loved one doesn't want help? // Tues 22 Oct, 7pm AEDT

Sometimes while trying to support someone else or go through a process of trying to help someone we can forget our own care. When someone doesn’t want help: Do people relate to this feeling? Is it okay to still take care of yourself while trying to care for another?


ohhh soo easy to forget ourselves @Former-Member , @Former-Member 

I have lost friends

Re: Topic Tuesday // What can you do when a loved one doesn't want help? // Tues 22 Oct, 7pm AEDT

@outlander I think that it's important to know that we can't fix things but I love your diversion strategies. Distracting Pop with some activities that he enjoys.