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Re: Support for Flowerlove22

if we have to pay this new price for very long we will literally be priced out of our house, we cannot afford it in the long run, I mean even in the short run it’s not going to work @Jynx barely surviving as it is

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Where the hell did my post go

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Hey @ArraDreaming it looks like your last 2 posts just went to another thread by mistake, I'll see if I can move them over for you 

Re: Does anyone want to talk

I think you meant to  reply over here @ArraDreaming I can see about moving your posts if you like. 


Well I'm glad they're a bit flexible and you can ensure you find a good place, but yeah fingers crossed it's soon cos I imagine the stress levels will grow with each passing month. Are you looking same area so the kids don't have to move schools? 

Re: Does anyone want to talk

@Jynx well anything with space is like 15 mins from here which is not far, I mean by comparison if we were in Melbs and wanted to move onto acreage it would be a big change , but a few of the houses we applied for even in our postcode… all houses we have seen and applied for are within about 15 mins max, except for one more which is a bit further out but it’s right near my work, nah we wouldn’t want to change them and we would just reconsider a change next year, keep the routine flowing for them, too much change in one go stresses the kiddies out and it’ll be a bit easier to see the year out
where they are and start fresh @Jynx I hate moving house and this will be the first time with all 3 kids but yeah we just can’t afford this house anymore sadly, change is good though more space for us hopefully, maybe, I guess we can’t be fussy

Re: Does anyone want to talk

@ArraDreaming lol, find me the person who likes moving, I'll wait 😂 For real though, every time I move I think 'ooh what a good opportunity to do a cull, get rid of some stuff!' Nek minnit it's moving time and I am shoving everything into boxes. Then I end up packing my precious keepsakes in with some utter rubbish or half-finished project, and smush those in next to the pile of books I still haven't read and the three pieces of tupperware that haven't had matching lids for over two years 🤣


Oh that's good, yeah too much rapid change sends anyone spinning, and kids especially, little experience sponges that they are. I'm sure they'll be stoked to have a bigger area to play in though, so fingers and toes crossed for ya getting some sweet new digs mate! 

Re: Does anyone want to talk

My Mrs grew up on a farm so she wants some space too, she’s probably on the more pickier side for the house though 🤦🏾

yeah big changes are comin for this family @Jynx few things going on here… gotta keep things as less rocky as possible through it

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Gahhhhjh no way @Birdofparadise8 @Jynx you know how I been trying to convince the kidlets to become North supporters, I came home today and the 3yo walked me to his room and showed me his stash of North gear 😭😭😭😭😭
The Mrs found a mini north Melbourne get up at the local op shop mini jumper, scarf and beanie, I almost stopped breathing he and wanted to wear it bed tonight

Re: Does anyone want to talk

@ArraDreaming oh true, yeah be nice for her to return to some wide open countryside then! 


I mean, it'll be chaos haha but I'm sure you'll manage! One step at a time ay. 

Re: Does anyone want to talk

Aww haha bless @ArraDreaming becoming a hard core fan! That's so cute, wanting to wear it to bed!