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Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Sounds good @Oaktree , warm the house up for the visitors xx


Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Oooo @Eve7 - nice! Please stay well 🙂


So nice to see you here. Have you seen our best friends club? All can join Best Friends Club - BFFs foreva!

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

That sounds good @Oaktree . We’re having fish n chips with the family tonight.


I’m better than I’ve been in weeks..not sure why but feeling good.

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

No you didn't make me uncomfortable @Oaktree    we are okay. No need to be sorry or anything 


Hey @ArraDreaming    


I'm having a meltdown  I'm having a moment to myself   


@Shaz51 dinner tonight I don't know yet    might have cheese and banana 

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Um! Cheese and banana! @Sunnyside226 


When we were kids, mum used to make us banana and cheese on toast. She'd slice the banana, put it on the bread, put a slice of singles cheese, then grill it. It was yummy. I haven't had it in ages though.

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

I love melted cheese on toast @tyme , @Sunnyside226 , yummm

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

We used to call Singles cheese, "plastic cheese" because it wasn't "proper stuff" lol @Shaz51 

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Oh @tyme  you make me laugh. Your a funny lady  I don't know if you meant to or not    what are having for dinner?  Let me guess  mash snag? Or fish?  


@Shaz51 cheese on toast sounds yum  🤤 


@tyme  I do have one question about BPD again sorry 😐

Re: Support for Flowerlove22



Banana and cheese on toast sounds like a weird combination. Something I don’t think I will ever be game enough to try. I am not trying french fries dipped in milkshake either

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