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Recovery Club

Senior Contributor



A special second thank you to @tyme 

You said recently "we are sitting with you".

I found that very non-judgemental and true support.

I had an amazing lunch today with half a dozen powerful, intuitive women..

I came home to toxicity and awfulness, then after the said person went out, I activated my network. I've asked someone with many good contacts to try and help to find an apartment or granny flat for me.

My "person" also told me today that he's thinking of leaving me. I'll play that one carefully because he sometimes uses that as a manipulation.

I also had a big talk to my mum today about what makes me stay in this relationship which was good.

At the end of the day, I'm growing and I'll get there. Never give up guys. If anyone is going through a messy or distressing situation, please don't stop creating positive motion, even if it's smaller steps than you wanted to make. Forward is forward whichever way you look at things, you just have to keep liking and loving yourself. Alice10


Re: Progress..

I’m so glad you are making and acknowledging that you are making progress @Alice10


I hope it all keeps falling into place for you as you want or are ready to cope with.


Well done

Senior Contributor

Re: Progress..

@Alice10It's so great that things are looking up for you.  I think, like many of us, we try to do too much too quickly, and then feel like it's too hard.  Like most difficult things, we just need to just take things a step at a time and enjoy the wins when they happen, even if they're small.  As long as it keeps heading in the right direction, which it sounds like it is for you. 

Re: Progress..

Stay strong my friend 🧡 @Alice10 

We are hear for you every step of the way xx 

Re: Progress..

Thank you for the second thank you @Alice10  🙂


Much appreciated.


Woohoo to you for being able to give us an update and also share your thoughts with us. It's not easy being in such a situation. Your resilience and strength really shines through @Alice10 .


The way you have been able to acknowledge others going through hardship shows what deep insight you have into what's happening for you. It sounds like your mum is a strong support for you - this is so lovely to hear!


And yes, please know you are not alone in going through this. I honestly admire your strength. Your post is so refreshing to read and such an encouragement.


From my own experience, life has a mind of its own sometimes. It goes down paths we have no idea about... yet the connection we have with one another can support us to just keep going.


So glad you are part of this forums family 🙂

Re: Progress..

Oh, I forgot to add @Alice10 . The title of this thread says it all - Progress..


May I leave this quote with you and others reading along:

Screenshot 2024-07-31 at 9.34.02 PM.png


@Shaz51 @MJG017 @Captain24 

Re: Progress..

Thanks @tyme 

Re: Progress..

Hi @Alice10 


Have been following your journey  on the Forums and just wanted to say the best of luck with what you decide to do.  Hope it all works out for you...........Asgard

Re: Progress..

Hi @Asgard @Alice10 @Captain24 @Shaz51 @MJG017 ,


How are you all?

Re: Progress..

@tymeI'm doing okay thanks.  I had a men's group meeting last night that went well, and I have a new peer-to-peer support group meeting on Monday so still trying new things.  I hope you're doing okay as well.

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