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Re: Knitting

Hi @Gwynn @Anastasia @Former-Member @Shaz51 @Eve7 @Daisydreamer @tyme @Paperdaisy @Former-Member and all other knitters snd crafty people here. How are things going on with your creative projects?


I’ve just completed 2 more beanies making it 9 for the charity I’m knitting for. I’m still working on the Crazy Blanket and the baby jumper as well in between projects. See below for the photos of the beanies!




I hope you like the beanies! I’m finding that knitting the beanies helps to manage my anxiety and stress so it’s really helpful and beneficial for me. Also, at least I’m being productive and creative at the same time!


Take care and enjoy your hobbies!


Re: Knitting

Love, love love these @Judi9877 Heart

Re: Knitting

love the colours @Judi9877 

Hello @Daisydreamer@Gwynn@Anastasia , @Former-Member 

Senior Contributor

Re: Knitting

Has anyone ever used a 'yarn ring' for crocheting or knitting?

(how to make: )
I heard they were supposed to be really good for tensioning the yarn and some stroke survivors use them to crochet.

Re: Knitting

Hi @Gwynn @Shaz51 @Daisydreamer @Anastasia @Former-Member and everyone here. Thanks for the positive comments to my beanies, friends!


@Gwynn I’m sorry to say that I haven’t heard of a yarn ring for knitting or crochet in regards to tension. That’s new to me to be honest! I’ve heard of a magic ring in regards to crochet when starting off granny squares but not a yarn ring. I’ll admit that I don’t even do a tension square for testing out my knitting for jumpers as I’m too eager to just get my knitting project started to worry about it and just risk it and hope for the best! I wish you all the best with this thing and look forward to your discoveries with it.


I managed to complete my 10th beanie today - Sunday- as well as a baby jumper in pink and white for charity which I was quite proud of. See below for the photos. The blue beanie is the 10th beanie I completed just for clarification as I wasn’t sure if I posted the green beanie here earlier!


Take care and enjoy your hobbies!


Re: Knitting

Good evening @Gwynn @Shaz51 @Daisydreamer @Anastasia @Former-Member and everyone here. How are your projects going?


Today (Friday) I decided to take some time out and just spend part of the day and night working on a project just for me which was a Crazy Blanket and I’m so glad I did as I feel so much more happier and better for doing so. Over the past few weeks, I’ve been working on beanies and baby jumpers for charity (except for a few days ago where I spent a few hours working on the jumper I started for myself on Christmas Day) and whilst that’s great and I love doing it, I found that I really wanted to work on something just for me without any stress or pressure so I decided to spend part of the day on my Crazy Blanket. I managed to finish 1 strip which I sewed up whilst watching the tennis tonight on TV and I’m really quite proud of myself. I feel a lot calmer and happier within myself and am very glad I spent the time doing this little bit of self care just for me without feeling guilty for doing so. I hope that makes sense? See below for the blanket so far. I hope you like it.



Take care!



Senior Contributor

Re: Knitting



Amazing blanket, @Judi9877 !  It's amazing how different it feels to knit something for yourself once in a while.  🙂  I'm getting there with my shrug - I stuffed up and therefore stopped knitting for a long time, but I got it unstuffed now and so I'm starting again.  🙂 

Re: Knitting

Hi @Gwynn @Shaz51 @Daisydreamer @Anastasia @Former-Member @Eve7 @Former-Member @tyme and all knitters and forumites here. 

@Gwynn I love your shrug! Well done on getting back into it! I’m on a beanie thing this week with starting Tafe this week and I’ve just completed beanie 17 early today before class started at 9. I woke up early and since classes are on zoom, I’m at home so don’t need to attend my education campus which is lucky so I used the time productively to my advantage. I have also spent time this week working on my own Crazy Blanket as something special for myself as I want something just for me. Besides, except for a tape measure, my Crazy Blanket is a pretty simple thing to knit with just the need for different coloured yarn to add to the sections in random order. The strips I’m knitting are 150cm long each with 9 required as they’re 20cm wide. I’ll have to add 2 extra strips of 20cm width to make it a longer blanket so the total size will eventually be 190cm high x 180cm wide. I’m working on strip 5 as we speak along with the new beanie I just cast on earlier as beanie 18. I’ll certainly be proud when I get to beanie 31 as that’s my goal number to have as the amount of beanies I want to donate by the end of April to the Salvation Army.



 I thought you might appreciate the above photo as some motivation for each of you and your projects! 

Take care!


Not applicable

Re: Knitting

Hehe @Judi9877 I love that image! It's so true – knitting does require perseverance, and I'm always impressed by those who knit year round because I tend to only pull it out during the winter months.

Re: Knitting

Impressive @Gwynn ! Wow! Love it!


Also, @Judi9877 , thanks for sharing!


Such an achievement to celebrate - both of you 😊

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