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Re: Sharing my life with Ms Sophie (Bipolar II)


Cat vs Christmas tree = yikes 😬

Cat thread = solutions (will tag you) 😀

Re: Sharing my life with Ms Sophie (Bipolar II)

Hi @Sophie1

Safe travels, trust break goes well and Ms Sophie headache free. 

Re: Sharing my life with Ms Sophie (Bipolar II)

safe travels @Sophie1 Heart

Re: Sharing my life with Ms Sophie (Bipolar II)

Safe travels @Sophie1

Re: Sharing my life with Ms Sophie (Bipolar II)

@Determined@Shaz51@Former-Member thankyou for your travel thoughts - we drove all day and arrived interstate at the in laws - Ms S drove with headache and I drove with sore throat and glands up .,, lol we lemsipped and panadolled our way over the border and arrived safely to MIL late night home cooked meal and biscuits mmmm ... now a much needed sleep 💤 still have driving eyes ... wishing you all a peaceful Christmas as possible - find the self care moments and sit back and enjoy the moments you can x

Re: Sharing my life with Ms Sophie (Bipolar II)

thinking of you @Sophie1 and when do you travell back home xxxxx

Re: Sharing my life with Ms Sophie (Bipolar II)

Hi @Sophie1

Wondering if you have succumbed to the dreaded lurgy or if you picked up a bit (being crook on holidays = 😬). 


Re: Sharing my life with Ms Sophie (Bipolar II)

Hi @Shaz51 and @Former-Member ... today is the first day I woke up without a sore throat or glands up ... lucky because antibiotics just finished yesterday and did their job yay 😀 lucky I’ve had lots of opportunities to sleep in and have a nap here and there so I’m actually surprisingly rested ... feeling exhausted emotionally tho with sooooo many relatives from Ms S side here and expectations to spend time with them all ... so today it’s a scorcher of a day and we are off to visit part of the family for lunch and arvo kid time ... hope you are all well and enjoying what you are able to this Christmas and that Mr Shaz and Mr D are coping ok ... Ms S is the best she has been in years emotionally and mentally but her constant headache brought her to tears with her mum yesterday which was actually a touching moment as they don’t often communicate about anything real of that makes sense - usually the same old surface script repeats each year ... this was a real connection it was weirdly satisfying 

Re: Sharing my life with Ms Sophie (Bipolar II)

Hi @Former-Member and @Shaz51 .. now I’m exhausted from just one day of visiting Ms S family with four young kids - now my throat is sore again and glands up ... grrrr I feel so delicate and pathetic health wise lately ... I think my antibiotics are stopping my antidepressant working properly too as I’m feeling a bit out of sorts and sorry for myself with no good reason to feel that way ... anyway I’ve started my repeat antibiotic script and will try to keep doing the right thing for my health ... whinge over ...

Re: Sharing my life with Ms Sophie (Bipolar II)

Oh @Sophie1, in all that heat too. Inflammation does have a way of making us feel out of sorts, hope it settles soon.

Of course Dr Google will tell you if there is a known interaction between meds...