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Brother with schizophrenia is dangerous and violent

Hi there,


Not sure if anyone else has experienced this.


My brother has schizophrenia and has been diagnosed and on medication for the last few years. Before that he was showing signs of aggression then the medication and NDIS funding reduced episodes.


For one reason or another, NDIS funding has become stagnant which means his caretaker visits has reduced and his violent episodes has come back.


He attacked my dad in his sleep last night and the police were called and they wrote a report.


Im worried this violence will lead to further escalation which is worrying as i dont live at home.


What do we do? 


Re: Brother with schizophrenia is dangerous and violent

Hi @Azzurijkt


That's a scary, and helpless situation to be in. In my experience, one episode like this doesn't mean it will continue; It might, but doesn't necessarily mean it will. 

I'm hoping some members of the forum will be able to provide insight and support for your situation.


We hope that you find the forums a great place to connect with other members, share stories and ideas, and find the support and connection you deserve.


Feel free to Introduce yourself here if you haven’t already!


We look forward to seeing you around on the forums!

Re: Brother with schizophrenia is dangerous and violent

This is a scary situation and I empathise with you. 


My ex husband got very scary certain times of our marriage and I ended up having to leave him. However, I knew that he was going to commit suicide if I just left so i visited  every day for a long time. 

We are now best friends but we are divorced. 


The most important thing is your safety. I'll get back online in about 1/2 hour 

Re: Brother with schizophrenia is dangerous and violent

That is so important that you kept you boundaries to protect yourself, yet you also looked out for him @PeppyPatti .


What an inspiration to read. 


Hi @Azzurijkt , I'm sorry to hear you are going through this at the moment. I hope you find the support you need. 


If at any time you feel threatened or unsafe, please contact 000.

Re: Brother with schizophrenia is dangerous and violent

@Azzurijkt ,


I'm also wondering, do you think your brother need a medication review to see if his medical needs have changed?


As environmental issues changes, doses in medication may also need changing. 


Have you spoken to his care team about these violent outbursts?

Re: Brother with schizophrenia is dangerous and violent

Hello @Azzurijkt 




The most important thing is your safety. 

My name Is @PeppiPatty, I joined Sane many years ago to get support on my husband ❣️ Mr Buddha who is diagnosed with chronic - meaning all the time -  paranoid  schizophrenia and other UNmet needs. 

Unmet because very few people understand psychosis,

mental ill health needs, living vulnerable. 



Psychosis simply  means - living in another world. 


The next paragraph is 

 some notes that are relevant to me from the website web/health.,


"When the disease is in full swing and symptoms are severe, the person with schizophrenia can't tell when certain ideas and perceptions they have are real or not. "


And the other memory I have is that hospitals, psychiatrists, GPS, nurses are very often and difficult to manage when your the loved one, carer of someone managing a diagnosis because medication has to be reviewed all the time. 


The most important thing is your safety.


Ide grab my brother and get to a hospital. 

Perhaps a small stay in hospital will relax him. 


Re: Brother with schizophrenia is dangerous and violent

Dear @tyme 

I will be honest, it's exhausting. 

I need to ensure that there is absolutely no stress. 


My partner is very very good to him and I'm extremely lucky there is no jealousy between them both.


I could absolutely scream with his NDIS co-ordinator because they think that -

They will only do what he wants even though he had no food in the fridge for over 3 years and my partner and I were buying food for him. And we are only in a pension.  But when I was begging his NDIS coordinator  for them to look for a meal service they said,


'No, not until he asks. " 


This NDIS company are thieves of his money. But they also have given him some good stuff but overall are thieves. 


His parents won't speak to me but my partner and I 

Oh it doesn't matter. 

I just want him to have a good life and he makes a good difference in ours. 

Re: Brother with schizophrenia is dangerous and violent

That's so so tough @PeppyPatti . I'm hearing where you are coming from. You have such a big heart. 

Re: Brother with schizophrenia is dangerous and violent

Thanks @tyme 


I couldn't do your job. 



Mr Buddha was so stigmatized for so so many years..... Who cared about the soul of this person. 

But if you can lend a helping hand to one person.....


 Mr Buddha  gives back hugely to me. 


I'm very vulnerable and broken myself. I need carers, sometimes just to sit with me. 


I used to have this dream - a dream that that stupid work for the dole would end for some, they could be trained up - sometimes long term to visit people who are on Disability so they could look forward to having a cuppa with someone.