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Re: A long rave

Sorry I didn't explain myself well enough @Zoe7 

It was the side neighbour who was rude & demanding - the back neighbour I'm friendly with.

I've promised my back neighbour fish & chips, for looking in on my birds & cat whilst I was in hospital.


Re: A long rave

Now that makes more sense @Adge I thought you said she was helping with the birds but thought I may have got that wrong - thanks for clearing that up. Your other neighbour needs to take a chill pill - or clean up the leaves themselves Smiley Tongue

Re: A long rave

Yes they need a lot of chill pills in this area @Zoe7

We used to have drunken people screaming in the street, in the middle of the night.

Beer bottles all over the footpath, in the mornings.

It's quieter now, after about 15 years of putting up with that.

Except that my side neighbours like to play very loud Boom Boom music - with speakers set up outside their house (to produce more noise). So that's not an improvement.


Re: A long rave

6 of your Favorite, Popular Insects In Their 'Baby' Forms ...Here's something lovely, it certainly cheers me up - it's a Firefly.


Re: A long rave

@CheerBearlots of hugs and 💗 for you

@eth@Mazarita@Exoplanet@Sophia1@greenpea@Appleblossomthinking of you to and hoping your going ok 💖

Re: A long rave

Love the firefly @Adge 

Goodmorning @greenpea @Appleblossom @eth Hope you all have a good day Heart

Re: A long rave

@Zoe7  Thanks Zoe7 hoping you and all the Long Ravers have a wonderful day too on this fabulous Thursday 🙂 xxxx

Re: A long rave

Hi @Zoe7  @greenpea  @Adge  @outlander @CheerBear @Exoplanet @Shaz51 @Appleblossom   

Hope today is going well so far for all.

Great to hear you got rid of the wound pump @Adge 

Hope your son's review meeting went well @greenpea 


Slow start here today.  I have a full day at home as my bridge partner is away so no practice game today.  Haven't had a full day at home since 11 days ago.  There are chores to catch up on but I have all day and tomorrow morning to take care of them.

Will be around for a while if anyone wants to chat.

Re: A long rave

hi @eth and all, hope you don't mind me jumping on this thread.

I'm off to a slow start this morning. Feeling pretty demotivated. I've got errands and chores to do but I can't get motivated to get dressed or shower, think I'll make myslef a chai. I'm trying to think of a nice stir fry recipe to get me inspired to go out & buy groceries. I've got an outing to a gallery tomorrow and then dinner out with friends tomorrow and a bit worried that I'm not going to be able to get up in the morning or have enough energy at the end of the day for dinner. It's important for my social life to go & I will enjoy at least parts of it.


hope you're haivng a good morning

Re: A long rave

Hi @BryanaCamp  no worries about joining this thread.  @Mazarita  started it but as far as I know anyone can join in.

I'm having a really slow start here too.

But admin stuff just caught up with me - trying to sort out an updated report from my psychologist, correct errors in a case management plan from a support organisation, and book my car for a part to be put in.  Oh well, I guess I could only dodge those sort of jobs for so long.  Still have a bunch of domestics to do too.


Hope you make it to your comitments today and tomorrow.

You might enjoy San Choy Bow, chinese mince mix served in lettuce leaves with garnishes

You can put any stirfry veg into the mince once it's browned off.