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Re: what next ??

Do you not get the age pension @tisme?


Given your own diagnosis I am wondering if you might get more help by having a post on the lived experience side?  You might more forum members who might know of the kinds of supports you are needing. There are a few that have a diagnosis and also care for family members.

Re: what next ??

im 58 so dont qualify , it might help but I dont want to re type the whole thing
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Re: what next ??

I asked re pension as in your first post you mentioned 68 year old @tisme.


If you would like to move the post across to the LE side, I am sure @Former-Member  would be able to assist if you confirm you would like this to be done.


Re: what next ??

the 68 yo was mum 


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Re: what next ??

So when you said you 'did not qualify' what was that for @tisme?

Re: what next ??

I cant remember what but we have not qualified for so much over the years
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Re: what next ??

If your health is failing @tisme, perhaps trying again for DSP might be an option. Speaking to your GP in the first instance might be helpful.


Perhaps give a group like Wellways a call, they might be able to provide a support worker through their partners in recovery program who can help you with your application. 


Have you got any help with NDIS application for your daughter?

Re: what next ??

daughter got onto ndis first try for autism , eyesight and other disablitiies.  ( though her feet are a bigger issue than her eyesight).  I got on to ndis after a fight ( they said arthritis wasnt permanent ) so i fought them and they accepted me for arthritis and mental health we are waiting to see if daughters plan is accepted.  im still waiting for my planning meeting 


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Re: what next ??

Might well be worth giving DSP another go @tisme particularly as you have been accepted for NDIS.   



Re: what next ??

I got a lot more issues , in my neck and hips and lumbar spine etc but I cant find an orthopedic guy who does the whole spine they only do bits of it. cept one guy on the other side of Brisbane and he charges 300.00 for the initial consult and 100.00 after that which I cant afford the radiology reports and my gp reports aren't good enough